GTA 5 Hack – The own Website/Homepage in GTA Browser

GTA 5 Hack – The own Website/Homepage in GTA Browser

This post is as the Japanese rain goggles, only a contribution to the analysis of the search. A kind Clickbaiting for analysis.

This hack makes you in GTA 5 Web browser accessible.
You can create your own pages, and create more

For this you go to gta5.exe and give the special parameters. So you start the so-called Developer / Developer mode.
After that you can use all sorts of tools, including:

  • consoles
  • Debuglog
  • Errorlog
  • Spawnmenü (Items / vehicles / persons)
  • Godmod
  • Level Editor

You can see it in the photo below.


Although this is just a joke, it would still be cool if something could be done.
So, if a reverse Engeenier idea how to do that best. Would defentiv cool if you report to me.